.. _brands: ###### Brands ###### *God operator* is responsible for creating and managing platform brands through this section. This are the fields shown when a new brand is created: Name Sets the name for this brand. TIN Number used in this brand's invoices. Logo Used as default logo in invoices and in portals (if they don't specify another logo). Invoice data Data included in invoices created by this brand. SIP domain Introduced in 1.4. Domain pointing to Users SIP proxy used by all the Retail Accounts and Residential Devices of this brand. Recordings Configures a limit for the size of recordings of this brand. A notification is sent to configured address when 80% is reached and older recordings are rotated when configured size is reached. Features Introduced in 1.3, lets god operator choose the features of the created brand. An equivalent configuration is available in Clients, to choose between the ones that god operator gave to your Brand. Related sections are hidden consequently. Max calls Limits both user generated and **external** received calls to this value (0 for unlimited). Locales Define default Timezone, Language and Currency for clients of this brand. Notifications Configure the email :ref:`notification templates` to use for this brand. Clients configured to use generic notifications will use configured brand notifications. If brand has no notification configured :ref:`default notification templates` will be used. ProxyTrunks Select which ProxyTrunks addresses can be used by this brand. Read :ref:`Proxy Trunks` for further details. It is not possible to unassign an address used in any :ref:`carrier ` or :ref:`DDI provider `. .. hint:: Some features are related to brand and cannot be assigned to clients. Other ones are also related to clients and lets the brand operator to assign them to its clients. .. warning:: Disabling billing hides all related sections and assumes that an external element will set a price for calls (external tarification module is needed, ask for it!). .. note:: Disabling invoices hides related sections, assuming you will use an external tool to generate them. .. note:: SIP domain is only visible for Brands with Retail or Residential features enabled. .. _brand operators: Brand operators --------------- **List of brand operators** subsection allows adding/editing/deleting credentials for brand portal access. Read :ref:`acls` for further explanation about restricted brand administrators. .. _brand portals: Brand Portals ------------- **List of brand portals** subsection allows managing URLs to access to the different web portals available for a given brand. See :ref:`Client Portals` for further reference. .. warning:: URLs are assigned to brands. This means that through a given URL the brand can be guessed, but not the client. As a result, username collision domain will be at brand level (there cannot exist to client administrators with the same username within a brand).