.. _voicemails: ********** Voicemails ********** Voicemails can be used as leaf routable endpoint in most vPBX logics. All users start with a pre-configured voicemail with their email address that can be disabled in voicemails section. It's also possible to create a Voicemail that is not linked to any user, so it can be used in more global routing logics. .. note:: For these generic voicemails, an extension routed to the voicemail is required to access the check voicemail service (using the service code followed by the extension number). Voicemail most notable fields are: Enabled Enables or disables voicemail. This will hide this voicemail from select listboxes in routes. Name The name displayed in the selection listboxes. For user voicemails, this value is calculated from Firstname and Lastname of the user. Voicemail send mail Send or not send an email to the configured user address when a new voicemail is received. For user voicemails this value is configured in User edit screen. Voicemail attach sounds Choose whether to attach the audio message to the sent email. Only displayed when *Voicemail send mail* is set to *Yes* Locution If set, this locution is played as voicemail welcome message when a voicemail for this voicemail is going to be recorded. This only applies for call forwards to voicemail. Users Allows assigning the voicemail to specific users. Only available for generic mailboxes. .. note:: If voicemail locution is not assigned, default locution will be used as long as the owner has not recorded a custom message through the voicemail menu (calling to voicemail service code).