DDI Providers

DDI Providers are the SIP entities that will contact the platform when someone calls to one of our client’s DDIs.

This are the fields that define a carrier:


Some fields described below may not be visible depending on enabled features.

Used to reference this Carrier.
Optional field with any required extra information.
Numeric Transformation
Transformation that will be applied to the origin and destination of the outgoing numbers that use this Carrier (see Numeric transformations).
Local socket
Selected address will be used as source address for signalling with this DDI provider. Brand operator can choose among addresses assigned by main operator via Brands. Read Proxy Trunks for further details.
Media relay set
Media-relays can be grouped in sets to reserve capacities or on a geographical purpose. Selected set will be used in calls through this specific DDI Provider. This field in only seen by Global administrator (aka God).


If you want carrier-side media handled by the same mediarelay set than client-side, select “Client’s default”.

DDI Provider Addresses

The platform will recognize a DDI provider comparing SIP message’s source address with the addresses in this list:

IP address
Used to reference this Carrier.
Optional field with any required extra information.


Once the DDI provider is recognized, its numeric transformations will be applied and the DDI will be searched.

DDI Provider Registrations

Some DDI providers require a SIP Register active in order to receive incoming calls to our DDIs. Some of them, even require this register in order to process our outgoing calls through their services.


IvozProvider supports any kind of peering, but we highly recommend peer to peer peerings: without authentication, without registry and validated by IP. This will avoid unnecessary traffic (authentication in each session and periodic registers) and simplifies its configuration, leaving this list empty.

To define a registration, these fields are shown:

Account number or similar provider by the provider that requires SIP register.
Domain or IP of the registrar server. Usually the same as the SIP proxy of the Peer server.
Password used in auth process.
Random contact Username
If set, no contact username will be needed as a random string will be used. The DDI Provider is supposed to use the called DDI in the R-URI instead of this random string.
Contact username
This will be used in REGISTER message Contact header, making DDI provider to contact us with this in the R-URI.
Auth username
Authentication user. Most of the time it’s the same as username, so it’s recommended to leave empty.
Register server URI
Usually this can be left empty, as it can be obtained from the Domain. If it is not the case, enter the IP address with the ‘sip:’ prefix.
Leave empty to accept the authentication realm proposed by the provider. Define only if you are familiar to the authentication mechanism used in SIP.
Default suggested register expire time.


Similar to the Carrier Servers, there are lots of fields in the screen. You must have into account that most of the providers don’t require register, and those who do, will only use user, domain and password.