Prior to accessing to user portal, the URL addresses must be configured (domains in these URLs must point to any of the public IP addresses of the platform).

2 roles can perform this task:

God operator

In the section Platform configuration > Brands you can configure as many user URLs as you wish, using the button Portal list of each brand.


URLs are linked to brands and god operator may choose where to create one shared user portal URL for all the clients of a brand or creating one per client.



This section also allows setting a logo per URL, a theme and a phrase to use as the title of user portal.


This allows creating corporate user portals.

Brand Operator

Brand Operator can also perform this same task in order to configure the user portal URLs of his clients.

This way, he can choose whether to configure one URL per Client (with custom domains, logos, theme and title) or sharing a global URL for all of them.

The section to do this is Brand configuration > Portal URLs.