Virtual PBX

Virtual PBX clients are designed to provide service to clients with multiple terminals that require feature-full call flows.


Some fields described below may not be visible depending on enabled features.

Sets the name for this client.
SIP domain
DNS for this client. See Client SIP Domain section.
Allow configuration of available features for this client. Related sections are hidden consequently and the client cannot use them.
Billing method
When billing feature is enabled determines when calls will be priced. ‘none’ disables billing. See Billing section.
Select which corporation this client belongs to. Enables using Inter VPBX friends to dial other client extensions.
Geographic Configuration
General client configuration for language and timezones. Most of the settings in the section can be configured per user if required.
Chosen currency will be used in price calculation, invoices, balance movements and remaining money operations of this client.
Max calls
Limits both incoming and outgoing external calls (0 for unlimited).
Filter by IP address
If set, the platform will only allow calls coming from allowed IP/ranges or countries.
GeoIP allowed countries
If Filter by IP address is enabled, traffic from selected countries will be allowed.
Max daily usage
Limits external outbound calls when this limit is reached within a day. At midnight counters are reset and accounts are re-enabled.
A notification email will be sent to given address when configured max daily usage is reached. Leave empty to avoid notification.
Invoice data
Data included in invoices created by this brand. This section also allows showing/hiding billing details to client’s portal, such as Invoices, Rating Profiles and Price of external calls.
Configure the email Notification Templates to use for this client.
Outgoing DDI
Selects a DDI for outgoing calls of this client, if it is no overridden in a lower level.
Media relay set
As mentioned above, media-relay can be grouped in sets to reserve capacities or on a geographical purpose. This section lets you assign them to clients.
Distribute Method
‘Hash based’ distributes calls hashing a parameter that is unique per client, ‘Round robin’ distributes calls equally between AS-es and ‘static’ is used for debugging purposes.
Application Server
If ‘static’ distribute method is used, select an application server here.
On-demand call recording
Shown only if Recording feature is enabled for client, allows enabling and disabling on-demand call recording. If enabled, you can choose how to invoke and service code if needed.
Allow Client to remove recordings
Shown only if Recording feature is enabled for client, shows/hides recording removal button on client Call Recordings section.

Most of the features are self-explanatory, but voice notification deserves an explanation: if you enable them, when a call fails, the user will listen a locution explaining what occurred (“you have no permissions to place this call”, “the call cannot be billed”, etc.)

Both Distribute method and Application Server are only visible for God Administrator.


‘Round-robin’ distribute method is reserved for huge clients whose calls cannot be handled in a single AS. Use ‘Hash based’ for remaining ones, as ‘Round-robin’ imposes some limitations to client features (no queues, no conferences).

Additional subsections

Each entry in this table has these additional options:

  • List of authorized sources: if Filter by IP address is enabled, this subsection allows adding addresses or network ranges.


No outgoing call will be allowed if Filter by IP address is enabled and the corresponding list is empty.

  • List of client admins: this subsection allows managing portal credentials for this specific client. Read ACLs for further explanation about restricted client administrators.
  • List of Rating profiles: this subsection allows managing the rating profiles that will be used to bill its outgoing calls.


No outgoing call will be allowed for this client unless an active rating profiles that can bill the specific call.