Automatic ISO CD imageΒΆ
You can download one of the IvozProvider Automatic ISO CD images (generated using simplecdd) in stable or nightly versions:
IMPORTANT: Automatic install CDs will format target machine disk!
- Configure the target machine to boot from CD. It will display the Debian GNU/Linux installation menu.
You can use graphic installation if you prefer, but the following screenshots show the standard installation.

- Choose installation language:

- Choose location:

- Set root password

- Choose date and time configuration:

At this point, a generic network configuration and disk partitioning will be performed, and also a installation of base system.
- Setup MySQL Server root password

MySQL password must be set in this screen and again in the following Ivozprovider configuration menu. If you leave this field empty, the default password will be used (see below).
- Configure IvozProvider:

As mentioned in Minimum requirements is required at least one public IP address for User and Trunk SIP proxies. Remember that if you use only one, KamTrunks will use different SIP ports to avoid collision.
You can set its addresses right now and configure the interfaces properly when the system is fully installed. This menu can be displayed anytime after the installation.

You can also configure default root MySQL password right now.
If you don’t configure MySQL password, default password will be used (changeme). You can still change it later.

And default language for portals:

It is not require to configure all settings during initial installation. In case any setting has been left without configuration a warning dialog will be displayed.

At last, select where the GRUB boot loader will be installed.

After the reboot, you are ready to access using the web portals!
Any of the public IP addresses configured during the installation will work to access the web portal. Default credentials are admin / changeme.