
Calenders are used to define what days are considered as holiday. Like schedules, multiples calendars can be combined.

Calendar Holidays

Calendar creation process only requires a name. Once created, we can add what days will be holidays using the buttons in its row:

Unique name to identify this holiday date
Override default External call filter holiday locution
Event Date
Day of the calendar to be marked as holiday
Whole day event
Enable this to create an event that lasts all the day
Time In/Time out
For not whole day events, specify the time interval the event will be active
Routing options
Override default External call filter holiday routing


Calendars logic is opposite to Schedulers: If a day is not defined as holiday in any of the calendars, it will considered a normal day and no filtering will be applied.


Holidays without special locutions will apply the external call filter holiday locution.


Holidays without special routing will apply the external call filter holiday routing.


In addition, once a date has been created, there is the possibility of importing more dates from a file. This option is found in the date list menu and is called Import from CSV. Also a range of dates may be added with Add Holiday date range menu option.

Calendar Periods

Calendars can also be used to override some time periods with a different schedule. This can be handy if vPBX has a summer schedule or other types of schedule based events.

Calendar periods can define a custom Scheduler and override External Call filters configurations:

Start Date
Since when the schedules will override the filters configuration
End Date
Last day of the period (included)
Schedules that will be used in the defined period
In case of Out of schedule, this locution that will be played. Leave empty to use External call filter’s locution.
Route options
Override default external call filter Out of schedule options

Difference between non-whole day event and calendar period

In order to understand the difference between these two features it is important to know the order of call filter logic:

1. Is current day marked as holiday?

This is where non-whole day event applies, making the answer to the question above possitive during defined period.

  • Yes: apply holiday logic defined in the calendar event or in External Call Filter.
  • No: proceed to question 2.

2. Is current time marked as out-of-schedule?

This is where calendar period applies, overriding schedules of External Call Filter with the one defined in calendar period.

  • Yes: apply out-of-schedule logic defined in the calendar period or in External Call Filter.
  • No: proceed with standard logic.


Configuration of a given day:

  • Non-whole day event: 8:00-15:00
  • Calendar period: 13:00-17:00


  • Call at 7:00: out of schedule due to calendar period.
  • Call at 9:00: holiday logic due to non-whole day event.
  • Call at 14:00: holiday logic due to non-whole day event.
  • Call at 16:00: normal logic.
  • Call at 18:00: out of schedule due to calendar period.