Billable callsΒΆ

Billable calls sections only list calls that imply cost.


Call Registry sections, on the other hand, show all calls, even the ones that do not imply cost, such as internal calls, incoming calls, etc.

These lists therefore include the price of each call (once it is calculated). Since companies are notified about its call’s price via invoices issued by brand operator, this section is only available at two levels:

  • Main level (god level)
  • Brand level

Each entry shows this information:

Date and time of the call establishment.
Only visible for god, shows the brand of each call.
Visible for god and brand operator, show the company of each call.
External number dialed.
Pricing pattern
Shows the pricing pattern used to set the price.
Shows how long the call lasted.
Metered (yes/no)
Shows if the asynchronous task that sets the price of each call has parsed each call.
The cost of the call.
Pricing plan
Shows the Pricing plan used to set the price.
Peering contract
Shows which Peering contract was used for each call.
Show if a call is already included in any invoice.
Type (inbound/outbound)
Since some incoming calls can imply cost (see billing of inbound calls), show if the call is an incoming call or an outgoung one.


As soon as the call is hung up, they appear in this list. In some minutes time the asynchronous process will set Metered to ‘yes’ and will assign a price.